065-6840422 info@insightlpi.ie

The following are a few simple ideas that might help those of us who are now working remotely during the pandemic.

Time Blocks
Calls and virtual meetings should ideally take place during normal core hours to allow you “start” and “end” the day meeting free.  For those with kids or caring responsibilities, this allows flexibility.  It should also allow time to clear mail, review documents, plan the next day and manage time more effectively.

Its Okay To Say No
Don’t feel pressure to respond to a contact outside of working hours.  During normal times most of us will not have access to work email or office calls outside of business hours.  You should not feel pressure to respond to these contacts just because you now have remote access anytime.

The Virtual Commute
Create a routine that indicates the “start” and the “end” of the day.  If your routine was to grab a coffee before work or speak to a friend at the end of the day, keep this up as best possible.

You Time
Break and lunch times are equally as important and possibly more so now that you have to create your own routine.  If part of your daily exercise included a walk or cycle to and from your place of business or during your lunch hour, follow a similar routine or perhaps adjust this slightly and stick to it.

Respect Schedules and Plan
When booking meetings or scheduling calls, look at participants outlook or google calendar for times that are already booked, don’t double book.  Consider scheduling in advance as much as possible to allow participants to properly prepare and work around each others daily routine and workflow.

Get Moving
Move around as much as possible during the day, even if it has to be inside.  Between calls and meetings, take time to walk around the kitchen or perhaps a quick stroll around the garden.

Quiet Time
Consider blocking out time in your schedule where you are not available when you need to do “concentrated” work.  Limit distractions, silence the phone, ignore emails or social media during this time.

Take the time to start and each day to prioritise what really needs to be done.  Eat the frog – get the horrible tasks out of the way first and forget about it, allowing you to concentrate on your other tasks.

  • If you feel stressed or have a sense of “not enough going on”, set specific tasks and target times to complete them.  Set a timer if that helps;
  • If over stretched or stressed, take a few minutes to step away, walk around and breath.  Get priorities out of the way first, plan your time and remember, there are limits on what can be done on any day, don’t be hard on yourself;
  • If your mood is low, take a break, go for a walk, call a friend – its always good to talk.